The worlds largest cruise ship recently made a stop in drydock last month. The Oasis of the Seas is so large that there are only a select few drydocks cable of handling the 225,282gt ship. Taking place in Rotterdam, Netherlands at the Keppel Verolme shipyard, there were more than a handfull of additions made to the vessel over the 14 days. A common theme seems to be the addition of cabins everywhere and anywhere. The reason being is simple: the Oasis class is a cash cow for Royal Caribbean. This class of ship has always commanded, and most importantly sustained, a rather high premium just to sail on her. This is always typical of a newly launched ship, however the Oasis & Allure are still abel to keep it up long after their maiden voyages. This is why Royal Caribbean is so keen on fitting as many people on the ship as possible. By my count there is an additional 42 cabins. Thats 84 more people that will play in the Casino, buy drinks in the bar, spend on photographs… get the picture.
Lets take a look deck by deck at the additions, and subtractions.
New is on the left and old is on the right.
Deck 3
Oasis will be converted over to dynamic dining. As such, the Opus Dining Room has been remodeled. The bottom floor will be American Icon Grill. The private dining has been removed.
Deck 4
Private dining has once again been removed and replaced with Izumi on the portside and diamond club on the starboard.
Deck 5
The arrangements of stores on the royal promenade have been reconfigured. The shop, Solera, and Port merchants were added, cupcake cupboard has unfortunately been removed with designer store Kate Spade being added. Regalia has been relocated.
Silk has been added to the third floor of the former main dining room.
Deck 6
Diamond club has been removed and relocated to deck 4. In its place are 5 new cabins.
In the aft part of deck 6 is the Boardwalk. Here 4 new cabins are added to vacant space. The donut shop has been replaced with the Dog house for hot dogs. The ice cream parlor has been renamed. Pets at sea replaced with Britto. Arcade added to vacant space. And lastly the Seafood Shack replaced with Sabor.
Deck 7
Two additional cabins were added.
Deck 8
Public restrooms were relocated to add 4 new cabins. Further aft on the deck, two additional cabins were added.
Deck 9
Two new cabins were added.
Deck 10
One cabin was added forward, and two were added further down.
Deck 11
Two cabins were added, the library was removed, and the Concierge lounge has the dining option Wonderland added to it. Two suites were added to aft public balconies that overlooked the Aquatheater. These were rather nice hidden secrets that most pax didn’t know about.
Deck 12
Two of the larger suites were removed and replaced with 6 standard balcony rooms on one side and two smaller suites on the starboard side. The justification for this being the premium garnered on this suite can be made with the addition of several smaller suites, including the two listed above and two more additional ones here as well. Two more inside cabins were added. The concierge lounge has had wonderland added as described above.
Deck 14
Two more inside cabins added in roughly the same spot as the previous decks. Two more suites added as well.
Deck 16
Izumi was removed and the Windjammer buffet has been expanded to this area.
Deck 17
Unfortunately a staple of all Royal Caribbean ships, sans Quantum, the Viking Crown Lounge has been removed. In its place are, two suites (not lofts, and they might not even have balconies), the suite lounge and Coastal Kitchen (for suite guests). With the removal of the trademark lounge, this deck now is for suite guests only.
For a full comparison of the whole deckplans and also each full deck compared side-by-side, click the more button.

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