With their ships laid up around Britain, this was just posted on their website.

The entire fleet is currently laid up in Tillbury except for the Marco Polo which is in her homeport of Avonmouth, Bristol, UK.
Current Fleet
- Marco Polo
- Astor
- Astoria
- Magellan
- Columbus
- Vasco da Gama
CMV was also planning on taking on the Amy Johnson (ex-Pacific Dawn, Regal Princess (1991)) and the Ida Pfeiffer (ex-Pacific Aria, Ryndam) in 2021.
Full text below:
Full TextSouth Quay Travel & Leisure Limited (In Administration)
trading as Cruise & Maritime Voyages (United Kingdom)
ABTA number: V9945
ATOL number: 4619
We are sorry to inform you that South Quay Travel Limited (“SQTL”) – which traded under the name Cruise & Maritime Voyages – was placed into administration on 20 July 2020. Paul Williams, Phil Dakin and Edward Bines of Duff & Phelps Ltd. were appointed Joint Administrators of SQTL. At present the Administrators are evaluating SQTL’s financial position.
The information below sets out specific advice for customers who booked in the UK. This advice varies depending on which holiday and travel arrangements you have booked and how you paid.
SQTL sold mainly cruise packages which are protected by ABTA.
They also sold a small number of flight-inclusive packages which are protected by the CAA’s ATOL scheme.
Please be aware that all bookings that have not taken place are cancelled.
Customers that have booked a package holiday provided by SQTL through a travel agent should contact the travel agent in the first instance for further advice and assistance as they may have made alternative arrangements for you.
If you booked directly with SQTL you should follow the advice below.
Non-flight packages
If you booked a non-flight package holiday (eg a cruise without flights) through SQTL these are protected by ABTA or by your credit or debit card issuer. You should visit www.abta.com/failures for further advice on how to claim.
Package holidays with flights included (UK Customers Only)
If your booking included flights, you will need to contact the CAA as your booking is protected by the CAA’s ATOL scheme. Further information and advice on how to claim is available on the ATOL website here: www.caa.co.uk/ATOL-protection/Make-an-ATOL-claim/Latest-ATOL-holder-failures/
Your ATOL Certificate will say ’Package Sale’ in the bottom right hand corner.
Copies of other relevant published notices are also attached:
For other creditor claims, including trade & expense creditor claims and wholesale customers (B2B), please complete and submit a claim against the relevant company.
CMV Claim Form
(to be submitted to: [email protected])
SQLT Claim Form
(to be submitted to: [email protected])