[UPDATE] Cruise & Maritime Voyages To Acquire Third Ship

Cruise & Maritime Voyages

UPDATE: The majority shareholder of Cruise & Maritime Voyages, Global Maritime Group, have officially acquired the Astor.

Official statement this morning:

Astor originally joined the CMV fleet in December 2013 under a bareboat charter arrangement with full ship management services provided by CMV’s majority shareholder, the Global Maritime Group who has acquired the vessel. Astor will operate under long term charter to CMV


UK based Cruise & Maritime Voyages have made an offer, widely believed to be accepted, for a third ship. It turns our they already are the beneficial owner of the ms Astor (ex-Fedor Dostoyevskiy), then bareboat charterered her to Germany’s Premicon Hochseekreuzfahrt. This line subsequently went bankrupt and now are facing mounting debts. They can sell the Astor back to CMV to help pay those debts.

Once the acquisition is complete, she will join fleetmates:

Marco Polo (ex-Aleksandr Pushkin)

Magellan (ex-Carnival Holiday, Holiday, Grand Holiday)

Joining in 2015 Azores (ex-Stockholm, Italia I, Italia Prima, Caribe)