Exclusive: Is NCL Planning a “Lanai” Promenade for Norwegian Breakaway? #nclbr

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UPDATE:NCL Releases Details of Norwegian Breakaway with Outdoor Promenade


File this one under conjecture, but I believe I may be onto something. I have been sitting on this for a week or two by now. I usually like to study the hi-res renders of new ships and see if I can spot anything intriguing. Well lets take a look at the Breakaway.

On the below press shot, you can see an odd white area just above the life boats. I saw that and just thought “oh perhaps its just the angle or NCL doesn’t plan on having windows there. Perhaps there are lounges or a galley there or something.” But then I looked at the photo more.


I enlarged the photo even more. Then something caught my eye.


The whited out area is just plain awkward.The way it sticks out is just irregular. Could there be something NCL is purposely hiding?

My thoughts were only provoked even more yesterday when NCL released limited deckplans yesterday.


On Deck 08, we see balcony cabins towards the bow then they go recessed as we head aft (left in the photo). Then it whites out. BUT the whited out part sticks out further then the bow does (Gray line). Could this be a lanai style promenade to be found on Breakaway and Getaway?

For those not familiar, see the below photo of the Carnival Dream’s Lanai Promenade as an example.
