‘Frivolous’ Lawsuit Alleged Carnival Sailed with Triumph in Faulty Condition

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carnival logo OLD

A new lawsuit alleges that Carnival sailed the Triumph on her fateful trip all while knowing that the ship was our of class (classification) and not in compliance. The lawsuit is filed in a Houston, TX district court; not sure why as the forum clause in the passenger contract says that all legal matters must be brought against them in Miami.

Anyways, the lawsuit uncovered, during the discover phase, some documents showing that Carnival knew of issues with the diesel generators but decided to still sail the ship. Somehow these documents then were obtained by CNN, and aired on the evening news show, AC360. Their very slanted report is embedded below.

Then Cruise Currents just obtained  a selection of documents, provided for Carnival, that illustrate that they were in fact in full compliance. They also reconfirmed that their engine rooms were also jsut inspected a few weeks prior but the US Coast Guard, Lloyd’s, and other bureaus.

Cruise Currents has a selection of the Documents. (scroll towards the bottom)

Here’s the AC360 Report:

As usual, I’ll let you decide.