Maasdam Breaks Down In Boston Harbor

Holland America's Maasdam in Boston May 29, 2004

While departing Boston harbor yesterday afternoon, Holland America’s Maasdam suffered a main engine failure and remains anchored in Boston Harbor.

Reports from the ship confirm it was an engine problem and some (very few) toilets were broken overnight.

The engine department worked through the night and are finishing up the repairs this morning. She is expecting to sail AGW (all going well) this afternoon once the Coast Guard is satisfied with the repairs and signs off on them.

I bet they had amazing views of the fireworks last night from their anchorage.

I wonder if main stream media will pick up this story and run with it like they did with the Norwegian Dawn that ran aground in Bermuda. This occurred in Boston’s own harbor, within view of news peoples live cameras. I really hope this isn’t blown out of proportion.