Setting Sail on the Scarlet Lady All Cruise LinesOur next adventure awaits. Or should I say ‘Voyage’… I’m beyond excited that my next upcoming adventure is aboard the...
Virgin Voyages Chooses Bimini All Cruise LinesWhen bookings first opened for Virgin Voyages, there was a secret destination included on all itineraries. This was a mystery...
Virgin Voyages Working on New PortMiami Terminal All Cruise LinesVirgin Voyages just went public with their plan to construct a new terminal for the Scarlet Lady opening in 2021. (The Scarlet Lady sets sail in 2020.) They plan on renovating terminal H which is currently being used for the...
Virgin Voyages Names First Ship All Cruise LinesVirgin Voyages have just named their first ship the Scarlet Lady. She will debut in Miami in 2020. The name...