Venetian Cruise Ship Ban Lifted


Hopefully this concludes this saga. Italian ministers have announced that they won’t go through with the ban on cruise ships sailing into Venice. Their regional court of appeals overturned the previous ban.

There’s always the possibility that a new group will voice their opposition and it will gain some traction, but this ruling just about hampers any opposition.

Here’s what we previously wrote about this:
Originally published August 31, 2014:

A minority of residents in Venice have long been opposed to the cruise industry’s operations in their city. The Concordia accident on the other side of Italy in 2012 didn’t help. Last November the city council announced a ban on ships over 96,000gt from sailing down the main channel to the cruise terminal. It was supposed to go into effect November 2014. 4 months later in March, and with 8 months to go until the ban took full effect, a court struck down the city ruling and effectively overturn the ban. At the same time we suggested the below as an option.